Holystic Christian Prayer
Christians are supposed to pray, but for many believers, it is a struggle to establish a lifestyle of consistent prayer. In this podcast, we will look at how to pray, and perhaps even more importantly, how to enjoy prayer. If you have questions about prayer, want to have a more consistent prayer life, or simply begin to enjoy prayer more, this is the podcast you need to hear.
21 episodes
021 Thy Kingdom Come Part 1
Did you know that mankind once had a kingdom? Discover how it was that we originally lost our ability to rule that kingdom when an ancient enemy stole it. And discover how it is that we continue to surrender that kingdom in our daily lives. Don...
Season 2
Episode 21
020 Hallowed Be Thy Name (Lord’s Prayer series)
**Understanding "Hallowed Be Thy Name"**- "Hallowed be Thy Name" is the first and most important petition in the Lord's Prayer, emphasizing the importance of glorifying God above all else- To "hallow" means to sanctify or set apart ...
Season 2
Episode 20
019 "Who Art in Heaven" Pt 2 (Lord’s Prayer series)
Believers in Jesus are adopted into a new a family, His own. But what does it mean to have God as our Father, and what's the significance of God being "in Heaven"? Hint: It's not about His physical location. The phrase 'Our Father, Who ...
Season 2
Episode 19
018 Who Art in Heaven Pt 1 (Lord’s Prayer series)
This episode is a continuation of the study of 'Our Father' and focuses on individual relationships with God as our Father. The impact of our relationships with earthly fathers on our perceptions of the Heavenly Father is discussed. Our inabili...
Season 2
Episode 18
017 Interview with Phil Martinez
Join me on this episode as I interview my local church's pastoral counselor Phil Martinez as we discuss several important ideas as they relate to prayer. On Phil's journey of faith, God has given him many insights as well as wisdom to share w...
Season 2
Episode 18
016 Our Father Pt 2 (Lord’s Prayer series)
Why did Jesus begin his example prayer with the words, "Our Father"? Join me in this episode to learn more about prayer's communal nature and explore the believer's adoption into God's family.The episode continues to explore the Lord's ...
Season 2
Episode 16
015 Our Father Pt 1 (Lord’s Prayer series)
We begin season 2 of this podcast by examining the Lord's Prayer. In this episode, we closely examine why Jesus began His example prayer to us with the words. "Our Father".
Season 2
Episode 15
014 The Lord's Preamble (Lord’s Prayer series)
Even Jesus taught His disciples how not to pray before teaching them how to pray. In this episode, we study two things Jesus says we should avoid when praying. Hypocrites pretend to be someone they are not, especial...
Season 1
Episode 14
013 Says Who?—God Pt 2
The episode we've all been waiting for! How to know when we are really hearing from God. Learn some of the basics in this episode as well as some personal tips from yours truly. This is only the beginning of learning how to hear from God, but t...
Season 1
Episode 13
012 Says Who?—God Pt 1
When it comes to knowing if you're hearing from God or someone else, it helps to know a little bit about God Himself. In this episode we conduct a brief survey of who God is, we get a tad nerdy with it, and best of all, the episode doesn't last...
Season 1
Episode 12
011 Know Thy Enemy Part 2 (Says Who? series)
It's bad enough that we have a lot of junk thoughts floating through our heads all on our own, but when thoughts come to us from the outside from a malicious enemy of your soul, it can get hard to deal with it all. Luckily for you, this episode...
Season 1
Episode 11
010 Know Thy Enemy Part 1 (Says Who? mini series)
The enemy. The Devil. Satan. Lucifer. He has many names. Today people either think of him as some ridiculous, almost cartoonish creature who is meant to scare children into behaving, or as the sole agent for every major tragedy and minor inconv...
Season 1
Episode 10
009 Says Who?—Me
This short series is all about knowing who you're hearing from inside and outside of prayer. In this episode, we take some time to get to know ourselves. Join us in this episode as we learn to know when we are hearing our thoughts and feelings ...
Season 1
Episode 9
008 A Time and a Place
You know the old saying, "There's a time and place for everything"? Well, it's certainly true when it comes to prayer. In this episode we consider a number of different factors when considering when and where we will pray. There's more to think...
007 You're Not Too Busy
We all have our reasons for why we don't get around to praying. Busyness is probably cited as the number one reason. I'm too busy! Jesus was busy. Martin Luther was busy. Countless numbers of Christians throughout history have been busy, and pr...
Season 1
Episode 7
006 Knowing Where To Start
Getting started can be probably the hardest step if you feel overwhelmed or if you feel disheartened by attempts in the past that didn't work out. Before we even jump into trying things out again, it's a good idea to slow down and make an hones...
Season 1
Episode 6
005 Two Approaches to Prayer: Basis of Prayer
Pretty much everyone that prays, prays in one of two ways, and it all depends on what basis a person approaches God in their prayers. We can either approach God as His child, or as not His child. Do you know how you tend to pray? If you aren't ...
Season 1
Episode 5
004 Six Common Types of Prayer
Well well well. Wells are a deep subject, and so is prayer. Although there are many different kinds of prayers, today we survey six of the most common types of prayer. Not only will you learn that I can't count, but you will learn to count on m...
Season 1
Episode 4
003 What Is Prayer?
Sometimes it's good to know what we're talking about before we start talking about the how-to of something. In this episode, we start with the basics. What is prayer? It's not as easy as you'd think to answer that question, b...
Season 1
Episode 3
002 "Holystic" Christian Prayer (Intro part 2)
So much to say, and not quite enough time to fit everything in! Last episode I was forced by time constraints to basically cut my intro into two parts. In this episode, learn what makes this a "Holystic" approach to Christian Prayer. It's...
Season 1
Episode 2