Holystic Christian Prayer
Holystic Christian Prayer
007 You're Not Too Busy
We all have our reasons for why we don't get around to praying. Busyness is probably cited as the number one reason. I'm too busy! Jesus was busy. Martin Luther was busy. Countless numbers of Christians throughout history have been busy, and probably, busier than any of us. If we are honest, we use our busyness as an excuse. In this episode, I try to gently convince you that no matter how busy you are, making time for regular prayer is very doable. It might not be easy, but it's not impossible.
@ 6:11— Jesus was busy
@ 6:41— John 5:19
@ 8:10— Luke 3:21-22
@ 8:55— Luke 5:21-22
@ 9:45— Matthew 14:14-23
@ 10:03— Mark 6:30-52
@12:51— Martin Luther—another busy dude
@13:10— Martin Luther's accomplishments: source 1, source 2
@19:52— A Letter to Martin Luther's friend: A Simple Way to Pray
@ 20:40— Martin Luther quote
@23:50—28:22 A habit of prayer doesn't just happen; plan for it
@ 28:22— Summary of suggestions
@ 31:13 — Why isn't it working out? Think on it!