Holystic Christian Prayer
Holystic Christian Prayer
010 Know Thy Enemy Part 1 (Says Who? mini series)
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The enemy. The Devil. Satan. Lucifer. He has many names. Today people either think of him as some ridiculous, almost cartoonish creature who is meant to scare children into behaving, or as the sole agent for every major tragedy and minor inconvenience. Both conceptions are equally inaccurate and potentially harmful. In this episode, we get a more accurate picture of who the Devil is, what he's about, and why he wages an often invisible war against those seeking God. You might not believe in the Devil, but your disbelief won't halt his attacks on you. Satan hates God, God loves you, and so Satan hates and attacks you. The first step in learning to defend yourself against the enemy is knowing your enemy.
@ 02:26 — Names of the Devil
@ 04:16 — Explaining Christianese (at length)
@ 04:29 — Cambridge's definition of dialect
@ 07:29 — Example of Christianese/ intention to explain Christianese phrases as they come up in episodes [all knowledge levels welcome]
@ 8:43 — Jesus' words about Satan [John 8:44 & John 10:10]
@09:19 — List of Jesus' descriptions of Satan's character
@13:23 —Satan is not God's evil equal
@15:26 — Why do the demons even try if they know they will lose?
@15:35 — Potential answers: denial can be comforting & pride is a blinding force
@17:42 — Why did Lucifer rebel in the first place?
@ 20:13 — Two main goals of Satan and his demons
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