Holystic Christian Prayer
Christians are supposed to pray, but for many believers, it is a struggle to establish a lifestyle of consistent prayer. In this podcast, we will look at how to pray, and perhaps even more importantly, how to enjoy prayer. If you have questions about prayer, want to have a more consistent prayer life, or simply begin to enjoy prayer more, this is the podcast you need to hear.
Holystic Christian Prayer
012 Says Who?—God Pt 1
Nickolas Meinerz
Season 1
Episode 12
Want to be a guest on the show or suggest a topic? Message me.
When it comes to knowing if you're hearing from God or someone else, it helps to know a little bit about God Himself. In this episode we conduct a brief survey of who God is, we get a tad nerdy with it, and best of all, the episode doesn't last for the majority of an hour. Enjoy!
@4:52 Brittanica.com on pantheism here
@14:59 —Animated video on God's Holiness here