Holystic Christian Prayer

021 Thy Kingdom Come Part 1 (Lord’s Prayer Series)

Nickolas Meinerz Season 2 Episode 21
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00:00 | 37:29

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Did you know that mankind once had a kingdom? Discover how it was that we originally lost our ability to rule that kingdom when an ancient enemy stole it. And discover how it is that we continue to surrender that kingdom in our daily lives. Don't worry, God's got a plan, and we are a part of that plan. 

**Original Purpose of Mankind**

- Humans were uniquely created in God's image to rule over Earth and reflect His character through their actions
- As God's "icons," humans were meant to fill the Earth with representations of God's glory and character

**The Fall and Satan's Role**

- Satan, driven by insanity from his own fall, redirected his hatred for God toward mankind
- Though insane regarding his position before God, Satan remains intelligent and cunning in his attacks on humanity

**Loss of Human Kingdom**

- Through sin, mankind both surrendered and lost their capacity to rule as God intended
- Satan now rules by manipulating humanity's fallen nature, creating an illusion of freedom while actually enslaving people to sin

**Current Reality**

- Every act of sin is effectively choosing Satan's rule over God's kingship
- Unlike Satan who gives harmful desires immediately, God gives or withholds based on what is truly good for His people

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